ALE and Bowo upgrade hotel stays



这篇博客是我们酒店合作系列的开始, and this week we feature Bowo. Winner of the Innovation Award at FoodHotelTech 2019年推出室内数字体验解决方案,以及阿尔卡特朗讯企业版 in the hospitality industry partner, Bowo is a rising star in the industry. We spoke with Jonathan Chanière, 的创始人之一, 关于公司, its history and the partnership with ALE. 


我们的使命是将简单的住宿变成个性化的定制体验. 我们将最佳的服务与最小的投资相结合,为旅客提供超出他们期望的体验, with the right offer at the right time! Our solution represents much more than hardware and software. 它使我们能够在酒店经营者和旅行者之间建立牢固的Contact, between their needs and the know-how of the staff, between their satisfaction and the hotel performance. 因此, beyond technology or marketing, 无论是从酒店经营者还是旅行者的角度来看,我们都致力于让客人的旅程更加难忘.

App Bowo博客主体

How do you see the current guest experience?

When talking about a hotel experience, whether in the city or elsew在这里, it should be close to attractive tourist sites, as well as to enriching artistic and cultural activities. 提高客人的停留时间, 提供多样化生活的机会是至关重要的, 真实的经历.

What makes the difference in guest experiences?

真实的,当地的环境使客人/游客的良好体验. 对于酒店经营者来说,重要的是成为客人入住的焦点, 不仅仅是作为东道主, but as someone who recommends local tourist attractions. This allows you to anchor your establishment locally, 为附近的商店带来生机,并在您所在地区的各种企业之间建立Contact.

没有人比你更了解你的领域,所以和你的客人分享你的经验! 他们需要你,需要你宝贵的建议,需要你的反馈,需要你最喜欢的经历.

What is technology’s role in this?

The role of technology is to simplify access to information, make the guest experience more fun and seamless, and remove communication barriers. 它允许旅行者在酒店房间里通过交互式城市指南探索必看的地方. 对于客户端来说,永久访问信息更加方便, 而不是在酒店前台翻阅印刷的或层压的小册子.


Bowo认为,提供个性化服务的数字解决方案可以改善用户体验. 它基于:



We provide a full solution, 安装在每个房间, 由一块石板组成, 坞站, and a dedicated application. 旅客可以在逗留期间使用相关服务, 享受个性化的娱乐,比如:“在房间的电视上播放你最好的Netflix电视剧,” “Listen to your Spotify selection with connected speakers,” or “Browse the city according to your interests.“在旅行中变得见多识广、有条理、娱乐从未如此容易.

除了, 我们的解决方案允许酒店经营者提供酒店专业知识和服务的可见性, 将营销活动转化为有针对性的通知,并实时监控客人的满意度. 这种程度的个性化只会增加客人的忠诚度. And since we are talking about advantages, let's not forget the optimization of operating costs, thanks to simplified management!

App Bowo in deskphone 8088 blog body

“量身定制”一直是奢侈品界的特权. Can we say, today, that it is now available to all hotels?

定制产品仍然是稀有、选择性、美学和排他性的代名词. Bowo works on these four areas every day. 而Bowo的解决方案可以将最佳的服务与最小的投资相结合,为客人提供卓越的体验. 精心挑选的优质服务为您带来独一无二的个性化体验, all on an visually appealing application, loyal to the brand-image of each hotel.

What is the relationship with 阿尔卡特朗讯企业 and how does Bowo integrate with Alcatel-Lucent solutions?

我们与最大的酒店合作伙伴合作,包括ALE,它是酒店业的主要参与者. 从一开始, 阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司对我们的合作表示了兴趣, 从而产生一种动态的, 现在已经确立, collaboration for better guest services across the industry.

Below are two common applications:

• Already available in some Bowo equipped hotels, ALE's 彩虹的解决方案,可在Bowo平板电脑上使用,让酒店经营者与客人保持人际Contact. 简单地说, 客人从Bowo体验中受益,可以打电话和讨论, at any time via the tablet, with the relevant hotel team’s contact. The addition of 彩虹 features - chat, 的声音, 甚至客人和酒店之间的视频(如果有必要)也允许扩展用户面板, 同时保证酒店经营者在服务销售上有更高的转化率.

•我们目前正在开发一种简单的通用解决方案,使酒店经营者能够为其酒店配备ALE客房电话, 特别是 8088数字电话, which will integrate the Bowo service brick. The guests will be able to get informed, 直接从房间电话屏幕上消费和预订服务.





Strategic industries marketing at 阿尔卡特朗讯企业

克里斯蒂娜是一名营销和传播专家,在电信火狐体育手机有10年的经验, 媒体和广告. 现任阿尔卡特朗讯企业战略火狐体育手机营销经理. 在此之前,她是ALE的服务和专业服务营销沟通. 同时也是商业媒体、广告和出版火狐体育手机的品牌和战略经理. 

"My media background sparked my passion for stories. My telecom background taught me how a customer need, answered with a personalized and elegant solution, can bring together separate systems and ultimately people, to carry a business closer to its vision and its customers. 或者我们在ALE中怎么说,如何让每件事和每个人都Contact起来. My blog posts cover these type of experiences, our customers' and our own champions' stories, 支持的 火狐体育手机趋势."

克里斯蒂娜是一名特许营销人员,并持有通信和P.R. degree with the University of Bucharest. 



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