

CPaaS怎么样.I. 分析可以帮助政府火狐体育手机领导者打破组织孤岛

One way to streamline public services and do more with less as public budgets flatten, 是打破组织的藩篱. 中国的组织 政府火狐体育手机 are no strangers to the silo effect, which can create a high level of bureaucracy or red tape. This indicator is so important that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is using it in its public sector efficiency indicators comparison*.

筒仓有不同的形式. 它们可以基于层次结构, 或火狐体育手机, 或者主题(比如打击犯罪), 教育, 医疗保健), 关于领导类型, and more. Separating these into different sections or teams in an organization creates a silo effect.

在公共部门, 大多数系都建立得很好,历史悠久, which adds to the complexity as they have always existed and done things in a specific way.

Creating a dynamic environment while integrating different teams is not an easy task. 这需要领导力和远见,但技术可以提供很大帮助! 寻求打破藩篱效率的领导者可以求助于技术:

• Focusing teams on citizens, their needs and requirements and align departments to deliver

• Automate recurrent tasks thus removing the workload from public-facing teams

• Help public employees transition from being service providers to facilitators


• Enhance cross-governmental digital collaboration with the creation of project-based teams


• Uncover trends, possible synergies and become proactive rather than reactive

这里有一些关于如何使用smart的建议 政府解决方案 打破藩篱,变得更加以公民为中心.


Having a primary objective to be citizen-centric can help break departmental silos while a customer journey will get things started! 你需要确定:

1. 你不同的公民接触点

2. 可用的通信渠道

3. 的接口

接下来,你需要定义你的客户想要的旅程. 首先召集所有人讨论并定义旅程, 确定每个服务将如何表示, 谁将是接触点,满足需求的最佳方式是什么. 一旦旅程确定了, 下一步是在你的网站上定义公民应用程序和数字服务, kiosks, 以及其他任何可以用来促销的东西.



既然公民的旅程和接触点已经很清楚了, you can define the employee back-office and how the app will interact with their workspace and via which services (chat, voice, video, email). 如果你不知道从哪里开始, ALE government experts can help you define the citizen journey and back office setup.


没有两个人是相同的. Some prefer face-to-face, others audio or video calls, some are email or short messaging fans. Offering the channel of choice for both employees and citizens can greatly enhance communications and reduce conflicts.


Public sector organizations are working towards achieving an increased level of transparency by engaging citizens in government processes. Adding citizen feedback to your app will help the different government teams become aligned on citizen needs. A very simple example is gathering citizen feedback on public services or giving citizens the option to send public equipment deterioration alerts. 市民们常常不知道该向谁发出警报, 多亏了一个应用程序,他们可以从自己的设备上访问, 他们甚至不需要这么做! You can make things very simple for them by defining some key topics and pre-defining the departments that should receive the notifications.



Automating the most recurrent requests can free a lot of administrative time and offset the workload from public-facing teams, 让他们专注于为市民提供咨询. AI, 与e服务结合使用, can greatly help in identifying the most recurrent citizen needs and standardizing administrative requests such as document retrieval, 将请求提交给合适的部门, 服务跟进. But it can also provide important trend data such as: Identifying the most requested services and departments, 以及每天/每月/每年的请求高峰时间. 从长远来看,它可以帮助规划资源和发现部门的协同作用.



The best example of government agencies needing to collaborate are in times of emergency or natural disasters, 当不同服务的利益相关者为了公共利益而合作时. 团队包括地方行政部门, 在第一时间作出回应, 救援队伍, 警察部队, 消防队员, 学校和医护人员. Collaboration tools can greatly accelerate emergency response with automatic group notifications and calls on all devices. Creating emergency intervention plans and teams well in advance across government organizations, creating digital 合作的空间 and defining notification rules across the public teams and the community can give IT managers an excellent precedent of a best practice in silo-breaking.



帮助员工轻松协作, 他们是否在移动, 在不同的建筑里, 在不同的州或不同的组织, 可以帮助他们提供更好的服务吗. It can also help new workers integrate faster or sub-contractors have a faster view of the project they are in. 项目联系人名单, 合作的空间, 以及文档共享,以便更好地理解上下文, 在任何设备上, are only some examples of how to support knowledge sharing beyond the office premises.


These are just some examples of how technology can help break government silos with collaboration. ALE的团队 政府专家 can help you design your own digital transformation and collaboration strategy and take things even further.

政府彩虹 提供强大的面向公民和员工协作的可能性, 在多个通道上(音频), chat, video, 屏幕和文件共享). It can integrate into any government working environment in a transparent and non-intrusive way, 没有不必要的拆换. 政府解决方案 是为了帮助领导者实现以客户为中心和提高效率. 

* 研究方向:公共部门效率——国际比较 




欧内斯特•李 is currently responsible for the 政府 vertical sales in the Asia Pacific region and is based in Singapore. His added responsibilities include Strategic Partner alliance and Country Head of Singapore business. 在此之前,他是新加坡的销售副总裁, 马来西亚和文莱同比增长强劲. 与verticalization, he continues to accelerate the growth in his vertical simulated by the digital transformation such as Smart cities.

2005年加入阿尔卡特-朗讯之前, he has more than 10 years of experience in the enterprise and security market covering the telco, 政府和国防工业.

He has served in various leadership roles in Singapore Computer System (SCS) and Datacraft (Currently Dimension Data). 他拥有英国爱丁堡大学的EEE荣誉学位.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



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