Build it and they (new students) will come

Greg Kovich
June 29, 2018

THE foundation for tomorrow’s digital campus

You may ask yourself, 为什么我要关心创造下一代的数字化学习环境? The answer may surprise you. Digital transformation 即将接受高等教育,而你的校园可能还没有准备好.

At last year’s Educause conference, 我与一位老客户进行了一次发人深省的谈话,讨论了她所在大学下一财年的IT优先事项. 她说,入学人数连续第三年下降,他们正专注于吸引新生. When I asked what strategies they were considering, 当我听到IT和数字化转型在他们的计划中扮演了重要角色时,我感到非常惊讶.

Specifically, they planned to improve the network, 为所有校园用户提供无线局域网和通信体验……允许更灵活地利用混合教室和更多在线课程的教学过渡. Essentially transforming into an intelligent campus 通过使用改进的校园信息技术基础设施,使他们的校园脱颖而出,成为教学创新的领导者,更具协作性, interactive and personalized learning experiences. Smart!

Thinking about it, 我不应该对这个方向感到惊讶——用更强大、更灵活的网络和沟通能力来支持学生的成功和学业成就,是吸引和留住学生的绝佳策略. Educause最近发表了一项关于学生在学术生活中使用科技的研究 78%的受访学生声称,科技的使用有助于顺利完成课程.

改造校园不仅仅是一项技术举措. Sure, information technology (WLAN, LAN, campus apps, etc.) plays a large role, but to provide a truly digital campus, the cultural side of the equation is equally important. Students WANT to use technology, and according to the Educause study cited above, 82%的学生更喜欢混合式教学环境. 教师需要愿意使用最具影响力的数字工具和经验——从捕捉讲课内容到提供基于网络的补充内容和搜索工具(查找信息和参考资料),再到在课堂上接受小组活动和个人技术.

Personal technologies are tightly coupled with their social and academic lives; a digital campus provides the foundation for securely connecting these devices, enabling students to access the network with any device, anywhere on campus. 

Instructors: 创造数字学习体验,以补充传统的教科书和课程,同时利用学生对个人技术的热爱,将课堂转变为混合的, more collaborative teaching and learning environment.

Administrators: 利用数字连接的校园,可以实施新的校园安全技术. 利用定制的统一通信技术可以吸引新学生,并与毕业生/校友保持联系.

数字化转型创造了一个环境,吸引学生专注于服务和高带宽连接, and cultivates the success of everyone on campus.

Become an intelligent campus
随着大学将重心转向以学生为中心的服务, 向下一代数字学习环境的过渡是第一步. Technology provides the performance, 安全性和可靠性对数字化转型至关重要, and enable the student-centric services, 推动学术成功和提高大学声誉的经验和功能.

阿尔卡特朗讯企业版(ALE)可以为您的数字化转型提供满足学生新兴需求的高等教育解决方案, instructors, 作为所有校园信息技术和通信系统的基础.


Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich

Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 


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