Securely connecting Australian government agencies 与 their citizens


The public sector has digitally transformed government-citizen communications, 改善公民参与, 并使所有部门受益.

自大流行开始以来,一年多过去了. While some countries in Asia-Pacific grapple 与 extended lockdowns and movement controls, 越来越明显的是,其他人, 包括澳大利亚和新西兰, 在应对危机方面表现突出. 但是区分这两个群体的是?

正如政治学家弗朗西斯·福山所言, 这可能取决于公民是否信任他们的领导人, and whether those leaders preside over a competent and effective state’. 这说起来容易做起来难.

虽然该地区对政府的总体信任度很高, the next months are critical in applying lessons learned from the pandemic in terms of communication, 公民与当局之间的互动, 推动工业和经济向前发展.

Public sector organisations have stepped up efforts and transformed government-citizen communications, improving everything from the safety and security of vulnerable groups to participation and engagement opportunities. Here are a few ways that technologies have improved citizen engagement, and how they may lead to benefits across all sectors further down the line.


An important way to build trust is to ensure the security of citizen data. 考虑到这一点,今天尤其重要 最近澳大利亚网络安全威胁的增加. 在全球范围内,数据泄露暴露了大约 360亿条记录 仅在2020年上半年. 政府实体也很脆弱, 与 the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner identifying the government as one of the top five sectors reporting breaches in the latter half of 2020.

Cyber security must t在这里fore be a critical component of effective government-citizen communication. 公共部门必须从内到外拥抱网络安全, and the solutions selected must meet guidelines set by national security organisations like the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD). 从设置地理围栏到修改网络安全政策, these will go a long way in protecting the personal data of citizens and building long-term trust.


经过长时间的行动限制, 我们大多数人已经习惯了执行我们的业务, 管理请求, 网上的职责. 然而, many of these remote services are still too complex to use easily — a problem for Asia Pacific, 那里只有 26% of governments are digitally ready, according to the United Nations.

One way to improve this is through online services powered by voice-assisted artificial intelligence. This would improve digital inclusion by allowing citizens to perform tasks such as obtaining official documents quickly and easily.

澳大利亚的在线服务当然也在不断发展, 与 ServiceNSW and the QLD check-in apps making communication and tracing easier. 安全性也内置在应用程序级别, 确保个人资料免受潜在的破坏. 然而, they can still benefit from technologies such as voice-assisted transactions. 这将降低用户的数字障碍, 哪个部门的利益超越了公共部门. 例如, they allow private businesses to easily obtain official documentation — streamlining the verification process for financial institutions, 开户和维护的关键功能是什么.


在线服务是朝着正确方向迈出的一步, 但数字鸿沟仍然影响着亚太地区, 与 占该地区人口的52% 缺乏互联网接入. 这意味着传统的方法,如打电话, 仍然是获得各种政府服务的支柱.

Australia and New Zealand are better-placed than most 与 the roll-out of the National Broadband Network across the region. 然而, 两国的地理困难依然存在, and both remote and urban regions still suffer from mobile black spots and slow internet.

Even in such cases, it is still possible for technology to bring benefits. Interactive voice responses can pre-filter incoming calls and route them to the right service provider, 提高处理请求和反馈的效率. Such features would also be critical for businesses such as banks and healthcare organisations that receive a high volume of queries.

Interactive voice responses would not only enhance efficiency but improve overall customer experience and satisfaction. 与 千禧一代和Z世代 倾向于更个性化的公司体验, 无摩擦的交互对于交付一致性至关重要, 积极的客户体验,提高品牌忠诚度.


Long queues and wait times are a major hindrance to efficient government-citizen interactions. 官僚主义和繁文缛节依然存在, and siloed services add friction to citizens getting the help they need.

这就是技术可以缓解这种拥堵的地方. 室内 geolocation services can orient visitors to the right offices and offer information on wait times. 位置服务 can also help manage crowd safety in high-density buildings — especially crucial for social distancing measures.

地理定位服务的商业利益也很多. Public transport companies and airports can use them to guide passengers and study crowd patterns. 而不是小册子和现场工作人员, geolocation services can also be utilised at events to connect attendees to their destinations.

The above are just some examples of how technology can improve government-citizen communication, 各国如何利用各种创新, 以及潜在的涓滴式商机. 随着我们从大流行的经济影响中缓慢复苏, harnessing the power of technology will give countries and businesses the competitive edge they need to thrive in the recovery phase and beyond.




文斯帕里是ALE在澳新银行的政府主管. He is a trusted and engaging professional 与 a strong background in leadership and business engagement.

与 over 20 years’ experience in the communications industry he has a proven record of delivering value through insights and quantifiable outcomes. 与 a vast experience across the government and enterprise sectors, Vince has supported many organisations through their digital transformation.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 

标签- 政府
