Cybersecurity: From A to Z on campus


机构需要采取针对所有用户的“不相信任何人”的网络安全策略, 设备和应用.

a group of people working on a project

很明显,网络安全是教育领域的一个巨大问题. As one of the most targeted segments for cyberattacks, 在降低风险和防范不良行为者方面,学术机构保持着高度警惕.

To provide the security that campuses require takes an A-to-Z strategy. 网络安全的分层方法可以利用关键的网络安全机制. 对于学术机构来说,开发和维护一种平衡的网络安全方法至关重要. If the security mechanisms are too rigid, 人们会想方设法绕过旨在保护他们设备的程序, 数据和应用. 他们只会添加自己的未经授权的设备和应用程序,以避免冗长的网络安全检查和软件更新,这样他们就可以更快地完成任务. It’s what’s known as “shadow IT,它可能会造成漏洞,并使网络面临网络安全威胁.


Before you start developing a cybersecurity strategy, you should understand and assess the risks your institution faces today. 在进行风险评估过程时,请留意以下常见的陷阱:

• 物联网 devices that are not managed by IT. These “rogue” devices often don’t comply with security policies, run outdated firmware and have no antivirus protection, increasing their opportunity to be used as an entry point for attack.

• Unauthorised equipment and personal devices that access the network. 如前所述, 这些“影子IT”设备可以运行任何软件,并且可能已经感染了病毒和恶意软件,准备攻击网络. 

• Inconsistent security policies. 不一致性在网络保护中引入了弱点,可能成为不受信任的各方的攻击目标.

• Networks with static security segmentation and implicit trust. These traditional approaches to cybersecurity allow users, 设备和应用 that were initially trusted, 攻击没有检查来验证的网络,他们仍然应该是可信的. 他们还认为网络攻击不可能来自内部,但事实并非如此.


In addition to understanding the risks at hand, 机构需要识别和审查通过其网络传输的数据必须满足的隐私法规, 以及存储在云中的数据的访问控制列表(acl)和防火墙策略.

When reviewing regulatory requirements, 考虑国内和国际隐私法规是很重要的. 例如,在美国.S., 学术机构必须遵守《火狐体育手机》(FERPA)和《火狐体育手机》(HIPAA)。. 他们还必须记住,欧盟(EU)通用数据保护条例(GDPR)适用于所有招收欧盟学生的机构, no matter w在这里 it is located.


学术机构必须超越传统的“护城河和城堡”网络安全战略,实现“零信任”。, which means trusting no one, no device and no application. 然而,向零信任网络访问(ZTNA)战略发展是一个过程. 没有一种解决方案可以简单地购买和实施. 在所有技术中实现完全的零信任环境需要时间.

Following the five-step approach to ZTNA cybersecurity, outlined in my 以前的博客 -包括监控, 评估, 规划, 模拟和执行——允许学术机构在其运营的各个方面实现重要的利益. 而最明显的好处是防止和检测未经授权的网络访问, t在这里 are numerous educational and business benefits as well, including protecting students’ personal information and welfare, and circumventing financial hardships — the list could go on and on.


From a technology perspective, comprehensive network access control lists, and role-based access control, 提供对每个连接进行身份验证的能力,并为访问网络的每个用户和设备分配权限. 结果是, 机构得到了细粒度的保护,这使得恶意用户和设备访问网络资源和数据变得更加困难.

使用微段在宏段内进一步细分用户流量,还可以对用户和设备访问进行更细粒度的控制,以降低整个网络中猖獗的攻击风险. 与微营销, user traffic within a macro-segment, 例如VLAN, can be separated based on factors such as time of day, 访问位置, user profile such as a student, faculty or administrative staff and other access controls. The same security policy follows the person no matter w在这里 they are, 允许该机构对网络安全采取更统一的方法.


与一个能够提供专家见解和指导以及经过验证的网络安全网络解决方案的合作伙伴合作,对把事情做好有很大帮助. 在啤酒, 我们帮助世界各地的教育机构制定他们的网络安全战略. We understand the steps that must be taken, 我们致力于提供满足您目标的安全网络解决方案.

We’re a trusted partner with academic institutions around the world. 一些例子包括, California State University 在美国.S., 保拉·索萨中心 在巴西, 林雪平大学 在瑞典, 我们的智慧在哪里, resilient networking solutions provide the security, high speeds and performance users need to work safer, 更好更快.

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Global Sales Lead, 教育 Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s 教育 vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 




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标签- 教育, 安全
