Create a ‘feel good’ work environment

June 22, 2023

A digital workplace is crucial to positively impact motivation, productivity, engagement, work-life balance and retention.

Employee Experience in Comms blog image

有人说员工是一个组织最大的资产. At ALE we believe that’s true. 这就是为什么我们认为企业把员工的体验放在首位是至关重要的, whether at home, in the office or on the go.

企业最近面临着应对工作场所中断的挑战. 为了维持他们的业务,他们不得不迅速转向新的工作方式. 好消息是,许多人表现出了非凡的韧性和适应能力. 由于采用了基于云的通信和协作解决方案来帮助确保业务连续性,处于初期阶段的数字化转型得到了加速.

当今不确定的经济和社会环境不断给企业带来新的挑战, including competitive talent recruiting, 新的工作模式期望和快速变化的客户需求. 企业领导者应该优先考虑员工体验, to create a strategy to retain and attract talent, all while growing the business in today’s new work environment.

The new flexible digital workplace

Recognising the importance of the employee experience, 超越了员工满意度或敬业度的传统观念. 今天,它涵盖了员工与组织的整体旅程和互动, teams and business contacts, among others. 积极的员工体验对于促进生产力和创新以及培养健康的公司文化至关重要.


To keep business running, with happy employees delivering first-class customer service, offering a hybrid digital workplace is a good option. It provides a ‘feel good’ place where employees can work from home, at the office or remotely, while remaining  connected wherever they are. 这也意味着你的员工可以在不影响工作表现的情况下享受更好的工作与生活平衡.

A flexible work environment is not enough

配备适当的通信和协作基于云的服务, applications, tools and devices, your workforce can outperform their rivals. Additionally, it creates an opportunity to increase employee engagement, 满意度和动机导致更高的客户满意度和更好的业务成果.

我们ALE全面的数字通信和协作解决方案组合, systems, applications  and devices such as phones, softphones, mobile handsets and headsets, enable the flexible digital workplace your employees are demanding. Our unique “à-la-carte” cloud model options including hybrid, 随着企业努力做到事半功倍,本地部署和全云解决方案有助于实现这一目标.

To meet expectations, 数字化工作场所需要提供合适的应用程序和设备,使员工能够轻松完成工作,而不必花时间与IT人员一起修复连接问题或花费数小时学习新的软件程序或应用程序.

每个劳动力都是由不同的概况和工作组成的,比如一线员工, back-office staff, customer service personnel, sales and remote workers. 为每个员工配备工具来提高他们的敬业度是很重要的, productivity and motivation. These include:

  • 直观和安全的基于云的通信和协作应用程序
  • 实时通信服务,如企业级电话
  • Team collaboration services
  • State-of-the-art phones
  • Mobile handsets and smartphone apps
  • Software-based phones to enable communications from anywhere

Equipping employees with the appropriate tools allows:

  • 他们参与基于上下文的客户交互,在正确的时间提供正确的信息, producing better business results
  • 提高员工敬业度:当员工在工作中有积极的体验时, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their roles. Engaged employees who are passionate about their work, go the extra mile, and contribute to the organisation's success.
  • 提高生产力和绩效:满意的员工更有动力和生产力, leading to improved individual and team performance. Employees feel connected to the organisation's goals, understand their role in achieving them, and have the necessary resources and support to excel.
  • 吸引和留住人才:积极的员工体验是吸引和留住顶尖人才的有力工具. 满意员工的口头推荐可以提升企业的品牌, making them an employer of choice in a competitive job market.
  • 创新和创造力:当员工感到被支持和被授权时, they are more likely to think creatively, take risks and contribute innovative ideas. 积极的员工体验培养了创新和持续改进的文化.

Keeping  your employee moral high, will keep your business thriving.

Employees have spoken

Enhancing the employee experience is no longer an option. 这对成功至关重要,而且灵活的数字化工作场所是可能实现的, which is now becoming the norm.

By prioritising employee well-being, 提供灵活和有吸引力的工作场所,并提供沟通和协作工具,以培养团队合作,创造一个成功的环境, 组织可以为员工创造一种充实和吸引人的体验.

Positive employee experiences can increase engagement, improve productivity, and create a culture of innovation. Ultimately, it allows organisations to attract and retain top talent, 并建立一支在当今竞争激烈的环境中蓬勃发展并推动业务发展的员工队伍.

Learn more about the employee experience in our eBook: “Improving the employee experience in the digital communications era”.


Isabelle Huitric


现任阿尔卡特朗讯企业云和通信项目营销总监, Isabelle has many years of experience in IT, cloud, telecommunications, digital marketing, channel marketing and project management. Before this role as a Program Marketing Director for Services, 她为ALE服务和专业服务事业部提供营销支持. 之前的其他职位包括法国和国外的营销和传播总监和渠道营销总监.

Isabelle is passionate about new technologies. 加上她在IT火狐体育手机不同市场职位的国际工作经验, Cloud and Communications sectors, 她喜欢就市场和火狐体育手机趋势交换意见,并讨论企业面临的挑战. 她在复杂的国际B2B环境中建立和维持客户关系方面也有丰富的经验.

Isabelle holds a Multimedia Project Manager degree from the IIM of Paris (Institut of the Internet and Multimedia), and a degree in Administration, Economics and Social studies from the University of Brest.


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