

交通运输领导者释放安全的未来, 可持续交通投资于智能化, 自治网络, 以及无处不在的协作平台

Mobility infrastructure and services, in cities and beyond, need to be reimagined. 他们需要让人们能够去工作, 去上学, 去购物——方便又安全——去享受他们的社区. They need to enable businesses to connect with customers and partners efficiently and environmentally sustainably. 运输运营商需要与国家合作, regional, 以及当地政府, 交通政策制定者, 保险公司, 零售商, 公用事业公司, and many other actors across the mobility ecosystem to overcome the old car-centric paradigm of mobility. 一个多世纪以来,这种模式赋予了个人和社会力量, 但却造成了负面的外部性1 such as congestion, traffic accidents, pollution, and affordability and accessibility issues. It also clogged cities with cars that occupy precious curbside space that could otherwise be used for pickup, 交付, 还有自行车道和步行街.

技术创新,如联网自动驾驶电动汽车, 聪明的道路, IoT, 边缘计算, and artificial intelligence will enable transportation operators to successfully embrace new business models and citizens to realize the benefit of the future of mobility in their daily lives.



暴风雨过后,今天是晴朗的一天. 卡洛琳一边骑自行车去火车站,一边呼吸着新鲜空气. 她有一个重要的会议,不能错过. She wants to catch an early train because her personal mobility digital assistant has alerted her of possible delays on the suburban rail line that she takes when commuting from her home to the town center. 她的数字助理已经预订了机票, 一路走来, including for the subway that connects the downtown train station and the office. 当她登上火车时, 她的数字助理建议她在第一辆车找个座位, 在火车的前面, 因为它不那么繁忙. This is one of the services that was launched during the now-long-forgotten COVID-19 pandemic, 保持社交距离, that many passengers still find useful if they want to find a quieter seat to read or catch up on work. 火车准点,卡洛琳提前到了. 她的数字助理知道这一点. It sends her a notification for a 10% breakfast discount voucher as she walks by her favorite cafe. After enjoying her espresso, Caroline takes the stairs down to the subway station. 非接触式票务确保她可以快速通过地铁大门. 她及时赶到办公室参加了一个富有成果的会议. 到了晚上,卡罗琳的时间不那么紧迫了. 她的电子助理预定了一辆电动滑板车带她回市中心车站.



Khalid is working the early morning shift at the national railway operation control center. He manages the team that oversees the suburban commuter rail lines around a major metro area. It's 6 a.m. 当大屏幕上出现环境风险的自动警报时. By sifting through gigabytes of video uploaded from night trains operating on the line, the artificial intelligence system has detected a big tree branch that is at risk of falling onto the tracks. Khalid's team immediately triggers a work order to dispatch the environmental maintenance crew to cut the branch down. He communicates via videoconferencing with the maintenance team to explain the situation to them in detail and share the video of the branch. He communicates with the customer service team to make sure they can create a customer service alert for possible delays to be shared via APIs with all journey planning and mobility-as-a-service providers. Khalid also communicates with his colleagues at the local public transit agency to let them know of possible delays, 这可能意味着将乘客负荷转移到地铁上. Finally, signals are sent in real time to all trains traveling on the line to slow down or stop, 这样列车和维修人员都能安全运行. 不到一个小时,树枝就被砍倒了. Signals can be sent to the trains to operate at regular speed and all other services are notified of the return to normal operations. 树枝倒了吗?, 发生事故的风险和移除它的成本将会高得多, and the railway provider's reputation for punctual service would have been damaged.


前瞻性的运输运营商,如RATP 内华达州交通部, and Liverpool City Region Combined Authority that want to explore the art of the possible of connected and autonomous driving2移动性即服务3以及全面的技术驱动型业务创新4 释放无障碍的未来, 社区友好, safe, 可持续发展的, 便利的交通必须投资于两个基本支柱:

•从私有迁移到 数字时代,固定和无线,智能和自主网络 可以安全地连接信令, 乘客信息系统, 智能售票, 以及越来越多的物联网传感器嵌入基础设施和车辆.

• Deploy 嵌入api的无处不在的通信和协作平台 进入现有流程, 业务应用程序, 以及客户门户, enabling passengers and staff interactions in real time through digital engagement, 个性化, 服务自动化.

运输 executives that take the long-term view to drive these investments will enable their organizations to make customers happy and loyal; increase efficiency, 环境可持续性, and resilience of operations; and improve the productivity and well-being of employees.

Not all will be able to do this, but all the ones who aim to design and co-create the future of 智能交通.0 已经有.

1 http://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/road-safety; http://inrix.com/scorecard; http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/urban_mobility_en
2 http://www.dot.nv.gov/mobility/avcv
3 http://www.merseytravel.gov.uk/news/on-demand-public-transport-service-arrivaclick-coming-to-liverpool-this-summer/
4 http://www.ratp.fr/en/groupe-ratp/innovation-all-fields/innovation-all-our-lines-business



Guest blogger Massimiliano (Max) Claps is the research director in European IDC Government Insights team. His research empowers technology suppliers and public sector professionals to embrace disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, 边缘计算, 和云, to realize the benefits of strategic initiatives such as smart cities and citizen-centric government services. 他也是IDC欧洲的首席客运分析师, advising stakeholders across the transportation ecosystem on topics like mobility as a service and intelligent traffic management.

马克斯·克拉普斯在公共部门有近20年的工作经验. 他的职业生涯是从管理顾问开始的, 他于2002年加入IDC,担任政府首席分析师, 医疗保健, 以及欧洲的教育产业. 之后,他在Gartner和IDC担任过各种分析师和管理职位. In those roles he advised technology suppliers and professionals in the public sector globally. Max spent two years at SAP, where he was the global lead for the SAP Future Cities program.






而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



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