更智能的运营控制中心 for energy and utilities

Enrique Bolivar
March 05, 2024


Energy and utilities operations control centre blog main image

When it comes to the energy and utilities industry, there is no room for error in day-to-day operations, in either emergency or non-emergency situations.

This is top of mind in the Operations Control Centre, a mission-critical unit responsible for electricity generation, transmission, 分配和服务连续性. Monitoring operations and anticipating problems are the main OCC functions. This team is focused on minimising service disruptions, 保护人员和资产, and ensuring the day-to-day-operations run smoothly, 安全可靠.


However, disruptions to service do occur. 比如人为失误, 极端天气条件, 物理攻击, 容量约束, 或者操作事故可能导致最终用户无法接受的服务中断,并导致资源短缺. 事实上,根据a KPMG report, from 2013 and 2020, the number of outage hours in the U.S. 翻了一番,达到每年8个.

So, 当服务中断时, the OCC must provide a coordinated response, 及时地, 从服务中断中恢复,并尽量减少对终端客户服务和全球运营的影响.

This is where multimedia communications services can help. In this blog, 我将介绍OCC的职责范围,以及目前可用的解决方案,这些解决方案可以帮助他们管理这一任务,并为未来做好准备.


Protecting technical staff and the public is vital, 在管理多重威胁和确保服务恢复的同时,能源和公用事业组织必须做些什么. 作为一个例子,想象一个变压器或输电塔着火的情况. In either case, the station operator or field technician must contact the OCC, 谁将宣布紧急情况,并立即启动行动计划,既断电又避免服务中断.

同时, the Operations Control Centre is tasked with maintaining performance, 提供优质服务, and keeping operational costs within budget. In non-emergency conditions, these tasks include:

  • Scheduling work related to energy generation, transmission, and distribution
  • Adding renewable energy sources to the grid
  • Coordinating actions after emergency events, 如电路恢复, 客户服务, 应急计划设计
  • Planning preventive maintenance tasks
  • 适应负荷需求的增加可能来自增加设备,如更大的电缆或变压器

The role of a smart Operations Control Centre

With this broad and mission-critical mandate, multimedia communications services are crucial to success. 智能行动控制中心通过强大的电话系统,提高行动效率, 接听/调度工作站, and collaboration tools that maintain an accurate information flow.

有效的OCC操作依赖于拥有合适的解决方案来协调涉众之间的协作工作, who may represent different business units. 在OCC中,一个复杂的解决方案生态系统汇聚在一起,员工经常面临着提供需要新应用程序的新服务的挑战. 这意味着,为了有效地控制业务,一切都必须综合起来.

组成解决方案的模块必须是开放的,并且能够与其他模块集成. api是实现不同生态系统组件互连的关键要素. 通过开放api,运营商可以创建新的服务,集成应用程序,并满足新的需求. APIs also create opportunities for innovation.


Multimedia communications services are vital to an efficient OCC. 没有通信, 没有服务,因为它们支持利益相关者的互动和协作,从而最大限度地减少中断期间的恢复时间.

Therefore, a foundation based on reliable/secure communications is essential to:

  • Support complementary services such as call taking/dispatch
  • Enable coordination and collaboration between stakeholders
  • 提高信息意识
  • 提供开放性以简化与OCC中不同功能块的集成

阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司提供广泛的通信产品组合,包括基于 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniPCX®企业版. This portfolio includes the following solutions:

  • 视觉通知助手 (VNA) for incident and emergency management
  • Voice recording to monitor, record and analyse all OCC interactions
  • 调度控制台 to deal with high volumes of call taking/dispatching and enhance collaboration
  • 远程视觉辅助 (RVA)通过改善现场工作人员与OCC专家之间的互动来简化现场干预


这些通信服务通过标准协议和api与OCC功能块(如无线电和视频监控系统)集成和互连. 此外, 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniPCX开放网关 – a dedicated API server – increases integration capabilities, providing a set of RESTful APIs to host ALE and customer applications such as:

  • 电话服务
  • 管理功能
  • Analytics


Collaboration is vital for OCC task coordination and information awareness. 集成业务流程和通信解决方案是实现高效操作的关键. The Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise CPaaS解决方案与客户环境集成,提供聊天等通信服务, file sharing, 任何设备上的语音和视频. 同时, Rainbow leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI), chatbots, 系统数据库和分析,自动化和简化操作流程,并创建新的服务.

向协作操作环境的演变是许多occ的下一步. 集成不同的功能块是实现涉众之间交互的关键驱动因素, 增加沟通, 提高态势感知能力, 增强决策能力.

What’s next for the Operations Control Centre?

According to a KPMG report, 到2020年,73%的能源和公用事业公司将提高整个运营的自动化水平视为重中之重. 下一代OCC必须准备好支持更多的自动化操作并拥抱技术创新.

Digital transformation is at the heart of the next generation OCC. Integration of new components will add value to complex OCC environments, moving them from standardised operations to predictive capabilities, process automation and seamless collaboration between stakeholders.

This evolution is based on three main pillars:

1. SIP技术是通信解决方案的核心,支持/提供先进的电话功能,并为顺利迁移到下一代铺平道路

2. A cloud platform to connect to the OCC. WebRTC服务通过与移动应用程序和多媒体自助服务接口的集成,为客户和员工之间提供无边界的通信和协作, and commercial apps using the Rainbow connector

3. 混合私有/公共云解决方案提供新服务并提高可靠性

向下一代OCC的演变为能源和公用事业公司提供了显著的好处, including:

  • 通过高弹性基础设施实施快速恢复计划
  • 通过连接物联网和人工智能解决方案,丰富OCC交互,实现流程自动化,并实现预测功能,以减少威胁并缩短恢复时间
  • Enhanced contextual information that qualifies incidents, 提高了效率, and empowers the staff to collaborate and make decisions


Multimedia communications services are the cornerstone of an efficient OCC, 支持OCC各持份者之间的互动和协作,以避免事故发生, accelerate responses to service disruptions and ensure safety for all.

Enrique Bolivar

Enrique Bolivar

Solution Marketing, Transportation, 能源及公用事业, ALE

As Solution Manager for Transportation, 能源及公用事业, Enrique is responsible for creating solutions, value propositions and content for these different sectors, supporting the global ALE sales team. With over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, specialising in the enterprise market, Enrique was part of the ALE International Central Presales team, providing extensive support to sales and presales teams worldwide. 他的专长包括端到端解决方案、网络VoIP设计、UCC和UCaaS解决方案.

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