

Connectivity is at the heart of the network that connects people and machines to redefine care delivery.

Although the internet has made many individuals believe they can self-diagnose their ailments, 真正的医疗保健专业人员正在建立他们的知识, learning from profound and rapid technology change to accurately diagnose and help others be healthy. 和, 因为可获得的信息越来越全面, t在这里 is an opportunity for health professionals to develop new therapeutic approaches.

Hospital 连接 is driving many of the advances being experienced today. 医院的“数字双胞胎”使预防成为可能, 预测, 参与, 个性化和相关药物. 在接下来的五到十年里, 连接 in health will move professionals from just caring for patients to being proactive in their care.




• Optimize information flows and business models to refocus professionals on their core business

• Transmit information to patients and enable them to become agents in their own care

• Implement an effective mesh between patients, professionals, equipment and resources


对于执行的任务, 太频繁, current tools available to healthcare professionals are used as a justification process. With the convergence of technology and associated practices, a radical change is coming to practices.

Medical care will be more preventive care because of telemedicine and associated tools. These tools help support decisions based on diagnosis made through the reprocessing of risk information.


以一致的方式组织病人的旅程, combined with visibility and cross-communication with the stakeholders concerned, will eliminate the loss of time related to miscommunication due to inappropriate tools. 因此, 每个医疗保健专业人员都会专注于他或她的核心工作, 而不是把时间浪费在管理任务上.


Outpatient surgery will become more widespread as home-based recovery and monitoring will be more practical. Enhanced care plans will help relieve emergencies, optimize care flow and the patient’s journey.


In the years to come, the following tools and solutions will be more readily available:

•共享的医疗文件 将不仅仅是一个数据仓库, it will offer analyzed and cross-referenced information to support decisions.

•访问患者数据和应用程序, supporting large volumes of data, will be mobile, in real time and ultra-secure.

•专用门户 集成协作服务, 允许链接一组人, the collection and the simplified exchange of information (within and outside the hospital).

•连接设备 设计和认证产生有意义的数据. Platforms to store and exchange this data in a secure way and provide access to professionals.

•人工智能 with collaborative tools to analyze and process the large volume of data.

•远程医疗 将使医生能够使用生成的数据和, 如果有必要的话, 使用人工智能进行复杂的诊断. 对患者的远程监控将最大限度地减少活动, 将开发围手术期监测应用程序.

•定制患者监护 will be assisted by robots, connected systems, tools of assistance for caregiving. These tools will give professionals more time for the human relationship with the patient by providing them with relevant information about the patient's condition.

•更好的组织 and workflows will enable significant reductions of administrative constraints and improve vigilance and execution of automated tasks.

•地理定位和导航服务 will make it easy to find the necessary medical equipment and personnel.

•专门针对卫生专业人员的社交网络 会使沟通更有效吗, 更好的凝聚力, 更好的科学表现(建议), 帮助诊断, 反馈, 和更多).


The combination of human welfare and technology allows the development of these new services:




• Tools for assistance in caregiving (secure delivery of medications, 药物的副作用, 更好地遵守治疗规定, 交叉分析)

• Bracelets, badges, connected equipment for 地理位置 identification, traceability in real-time

• Patient and professional portals, including communication and multimedia collaboration services




阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™ 允许医院管理谁在接触, 或者有权访问这些数据, 以及与外界的互动.

开发者的彩虹 enables engagement and partnership with start-ups to provide integrated 连接 services in business applications.

ALE has co-built a social network based on 彩虹, dedicated to health professionals and offering:





习惯孤立工作的卫生专业人员, will collaborate more with more efficient tools for use around patients and on joint research projects. At the heart of this development is the full 连接 applied to organizations (mobility, 地理位置, 网络基础设施, 优化工作流程), inter-professional/patients collaboration and the ability to integrate 连接 into business applications.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise collaboration technologies work to optimize the care quality and efficiency while improving the well-being at work of healthcare professionals.


• 病人体验的未来 

下载 白皮书 探索ALE对未来医院的完整愿景.

了解更多关于 彩虹医疗保健 和我们的 医疗解决方案

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Solution marketing manager for 医疗保健 (Communications Market Enablement team) at ALE

Patrick is responsible for marketing and communicating on ALE communications solutions (value propositions, 博客, 用例, 等.)用于医疗保健火狐体育手机.

他的职业生涯是从开发工程师开始的, then has gone on to work for nine years as a presales voice expert to support the ALE presales community. 自2016年以来, he has continued to bring his deep expertise to develop the communications marketing messages in the 医疗保健 team.





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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一个现代, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
