
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Blog

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Topic : Environmental Social and Governance

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Sustainable product design program: A view from our Termina…

The eco-design "MakCCIng Durable” program transformed the way the ALE team designs terminals.

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ALE company

Sustainable product design program: A view from our Termina…

The eco-design "MakCCIng Durable” program transformed the way the ALE team designs terminals.

Blog 1200x299
ALE company

Better Together: Women Leading The Way

Women lead the charge in breaking the glass ceiling. The underrepresentation of women in management can be attributed to systematic barriers and social norms.

A Woman looking at a laptop
ALE company

Qhubeka 2019-2020: a cause with great results

Global charity Qhubeka shows 2019-2020 results with real impact on children’s lives in Africa.

Collaboration Solutions

Using communications at Mercy Ships to bring hope

Several years ago, Mercy Ships started down the path towards becoming a multi-ship fleet once again. The desire was to bring hope and healing to the world's forgotten poor with greater impact than had ever been accomplished before.

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